Creating a Witch's Bottle for Protection

A witch's bottle is a powerful protective tool used in folk magic and witchcraft to ward off negative energies and protect against harm. The following instructions will guide you in creating your own witch's bottle for protection:


  • A small glass jar or bottle (small baby food jar) with a tight-fitting lid

  • Sharp objects for protection (such as nails, pins, or thorns)

  • Urine (Yes, you read that right. Use your own, of course)

  • Blood (Again, your own menstrual or from pin prick)

  • Protective herbs and botanicals (such as rosemary, sage, or bay leaves)

  • Crystals or gemstones known for protection (such as black tourmaline, amethyst, or obsidian)

  • Salt or black salt

  • Personal items with protective significance (such as a small piece of jewelry, a talisman, or a written affirmation)

  • Protective essential oils (such as frankincense, lavender, or rosemary)

  • A piece of paper and a pen

  • Sealing wax (optional)


  1. Ground & Center:  Creating your sacred space, however you choose to. Sit quietly and bring your full attention into the space.

  1. Set Intention: Before you begin, take a moment to clarify your intentions for the witch's bottle. Visualize a shield of protective energy surrounding you or your space, repelling negativity, and creating a safe and empowered environment.

  1. Cleanse & Purify: Start by cleansing the glass jar and its lid to remove any lingering energies. You can do this by washing them with soap and water or smudging them with sage or other cleansing herbs.

  1. Charge Ingredients: Hold each sharp object, herb, crystal, and personal item in your hands and envision them being filled with protective energy. State your intention for each item, such as "This nail wards off negativity" or "This crystal protects me from harm."

  1. Compose an Incantation: On the piece of paper, write a simple incantation that resonates with your intention. For example, "I am surrounded by divine protection" or "This bottle shields me from harm." Fold the paper and place it into the jar.

  1. Assemble: Begin layering the items in the jar, one at a time, while focusing on your intention for protection. Start with a layer of salt or black salt at the bottom of the jar to absorb negative energy. Add the sharp objects, herbs, crystals, and personal items one by one, ensuring each layer is placed with purpose and intention. For extra protection add your own urine and/or a drop of your blood. 

  1. Seal: Once all the items are inside the jar, seal it tightly with the lid. As you close the jar, visualize a powerful barrier forming around it, locking in the protective energy and intention. (Optional - use wax for an extra seal)

  1. Anoint (optional): Take a few drops of anointing oil or a protective essential oil and anoint the outside of the jar, tracing a pentagram or other protective symbols with your finger. As you do this, focus on empowering the bottle with the energy of the oil.

  1. Charge: Hold the witch's bottle/jar in your hands, close your eyes, and envision a bright, protective light surrounding it. Speak your incation again, infusing the bottle with your intention. Feel the energy of the bottle intensifying.

  1. Finalize: Once you feel the spell is complete, find a suitable place to bury or hide the witch's bottle. This can be near the entrance of your home, buried in the garden, or placed in a discreet spot in a room. As you do so, state your intention for the bottle to work as a protective charm.

  1. Extra Strength Spell:  Bury the bottle under a full moon, at least 6” down in an area that you know it will not be disturbed by any kind of digging. Choose a place in your yard closest to where you believe the ill intent might come from. Recite your incarnation once more, or as many times as you feel you need to, stamp the soil in place, and say “And so it is!”

  1. Ultimate Protection:  Make a bottle to bury on each side of your home. 

Remember, the power of a witch's bottle lies in the intention, focus, and personal energy you put into it. Trust your instincts, customize the contents to fit your specific needs, and always approach magical practices with respect and positive intent. The witch's bottle serves as a potent symbol of protection, and by regularly reinforcing its energy, you can strengthen its effectiveness as a guardian against negativity and harm.


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